This is a test service
As professionals, we provide advice and attention in an integrated way to the different situations that are inserted within the Real Estate Law:
We specialise in legal aspects to be considered in the sale or acquisition of real estate of all types, as well as in the financing of real estate projects and the constitution of guarantees. As a multidisciplinary law firm, we complement our sectorial experience with advice on the other legal specialities that may be affected:
We advise on competitive sales processes or ordinary purchases.
Sale & lease back transactions
Purchase and sale of real estate under construction
Financiación anticipada
Regularisation of real estate portfolios for subsequent sale or for asset optimisation.
We have extensive experience in negotiating contracts such as the following, among others:
Promotion contracts
Delegated promotion contracts
Gestión de proyectos
Property development
Construction contracts
Turnkey contracts.
In addition, we advise on compliance with the regulations applicable to the sale of homes by developers. We specialise in advising on legal structures for real estate development processes.
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